The wisdom of the day
Τα εφτά που δεν πρέπει να έχεις: Πλούτο χωρίς μόχθο, Γνώση χωρίς χαρακτήρα, Πολιτική χωρίς αρχές, Απόλαυση χωρίς συναίσθημα, Εμπόριο χωρίς ήθος, Επιστήμη χωρίς ανθρωπιά, Αγάπη χωρίς θυσία.
— Mahatma Gandhi
About me

A child who does not cry, does not whine, timid and thoughtful, started as an advertisement, for the pedagogy that his parents followed. This child continued as a slander, later in adolescence, depriving his parents of an informal award. Misfit, reactive, a steady customer of the High School principal, with bad behavior, but the universe and the rater of the report in the final exams, conspired, and this child entered the University.
He travelled, worked, did risky activities, even that of graduation. The character has not changed, but the memory of school years, contributed to his choice to return, this time not as a perpetrator, but as a victim. The decision was warmly welcomed by his friends, who saw in this decision, Divine providence to take revenge for the school deeds of the past. So far the provision has not intervened, remains physically intact and mentally balanced. So balanced that the rating of the report, push him to grab the pen again, in qwerty format this time, from a deep sense of justice and optimism. Why only the grader?; So many people have the right to read masterpieces.
But art has many types and the pre-service of daily performances from school should not be left unexploited. From the school to the theatre stage, same material, same requirements: memorization, representation, inventiveness, vigilance but also exposure to the public, admittedly, this public less strict (or with more understanding ...). To be continued...
and boring…

Purpose of the page
The site aims to broaden, young and old, readers' horizon, to inspire, to inspire and push them to creation and spiritual awakening.
The goal is to post short stories written when time is available and …energy…
The aim is to be a pedestal for the presentation of the work and projects of the creator as well as a meeting place.
The aim of the page is to be a source of didactic approaches, tool for the study of social sciences and informatics and to highlight the effort made inside and outside
school room.
Future goal is to create a common platform where users will post their projects, articles and opinions.
Subscribe to the page
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B’ EPAL Kalavryton
One of the few professors who brought life to the lesson with the radio station at 5 first minutes of the course on webex, with imaginary reality through balance sheets in accounting, with the warehouses we designed and only never built in logistics, by learning to apply market research to our everyday marketing, with the reminders of the flow method of the M.O., with the incredible scores because of Gri-Gri's sweets (before viewing the bill), with the bride's dress we never saw, with the <> arrangement with Yasir, with the improbable witchcraft outside the classroom with the help of the stinking woman and with the telling of various stories that taught us not to act without thinking, it's YOU.
We were very lucky to have you on our way and we hope to see you again in the classroom next year and to experience this difficult year that is coming with more and better moments with you!
Keep inspiring your students and have a HAPPY, restful SUMMER, renewal and with many rides with your bike (always with care)!
The wasteful wife of the businessman (B. Joanna)
The green mask of the surgeon (B. John)
Tsouvelas vol 2 (M. Constantine)
The secret accomplice (M. Vassiliki)
The ghost student (S. Constantine)
The diligent first desk (T. Danae)
THE <> (A. Yasir)

Mr. Gabriel Entering your page
Entering your page I was excited. Your short stories are really amazing ,outstanding,unique,which arouse the reader's interest ..And if all this sounds too much.I will tell you something to convince you.I have never read a book or a simple text in a magazine other than textbooks.(I DO NOT EXCEED AT ALL) and yet reading the titles ,I was immediately interested in reading and following the texts. Congratulations and I wish from the bottom of my heart to continue your creative works with the same inspiration and dedication. Continue to write so well. I will not hide my enthusiasm and pleasant surprise for the How beautifully you wrote. One short story better than the other. The one I liked the most was a little above “A WALK IN PARIS” .I wish you and I believe that your first book will come soon will be the beginning of a long and creative writing journey. You can do it as a hobby. But apart from being a good teacher and a special person, you also have an extra talent to write wonderfully. I am proud of you for your energy and for how many things you are eager to do. I wish you the best because you deserve every success in everything,for what you do in your life .
Congratulations !!!It is an honor for all of us to be among us and to be active in writing, a young man, sensitive and creative person like you, Mr. Constantine. PS to chase your dreams. We miss you very much!!!Do not forget us!!!!I wish you all the best for your journey!!we will say the same in Patras, of course!!!Cu soon.🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
Thank you very much, Mr. Gabriel
Mr. Gabriel, you are a great one
Dear Mr. Constantine I wanted to
I wanted to write you a 'thank you' letter, Since I am graduating from school, I felt that my mission as a student was not completed. With all due respect to you I owe you I would like to mention some special thanks. Before I say anything ,I would like to apologize for all the times I should have been more careful. I sincerely appreciate your work and how amazing person you are. Mr. Constantine, if there was a Nobel Prize for the best teacher, you would take it!!! Thank you for teaching me lessons, that I will carry on the journey of my life and you gave me school memories that I will cherish forever. Thank you for being one of the most wonderful teachers who will live forever in the minds and hearts of the students whose hearts you have touched.. Thank you also for all the wisdom you shared and you were a brilliant example of hard work. Thank you for being an inspiration. I do not know where did you find the patience ,the energy to manage all of us every day. Thank you for the smile you always have on your face. Only a teacher like you could make the school tolerable ,the lessons likable and the goals achievable . One million thanks. Sincerely ,a grateful schoolgirl who can not find words to express all her gratitude!!!

With the same passion…

Every end comes with a beginning
Friendly, calm and beautiful
We are not bored
The best and most fun
I hope he/she is not strict with us
We were your company
2 wonderful years
I do not tell it often for teachers
I'm glad for the change
your beloved Radical-progressive-smart- handsome- worthy successor of the EAM -red army -of the anti-Nazis-of the Vietcong of the Serbian guerrillas of the Athenians and the gravity of the Cuban revolution a spiritual descendant of Che and a very revolutionary
Do not take it personally
The world is ruined!
Where you will find worse;
That you leave us;
We had a good time
I hope everything goes great
I wish you all a wonderful development every day of your life and to continue the flawless work. Always smile
We will miss you
We will miss you
Good career
Sir, we wish you a good career, we will miss you very much and always have a good time…
I feel lucky
Aman sir where are you going;
You put me 16
I, Mr. Scratch, did it myself and you put it on me 16 I will remember you will miss me.
Thanks for the time we spent together
Great weather with you
You made us more careful
When you love, afflicted
It reminded me of you

Very pleasant…