Gabriel Constantine

High School Teacher

Our news…

The wisdom of the day

Τα εφτά που δεν πρέπει να έχεις: Πλούτο χωρίς μόχθο, Γνώση χωρίς χαρακτήρα, Πολιτική χωρίς αρχές, Απόλαυση χωρίς συναίσθημα, Εμπόριο χωρίς ήθος, Επιστήμη χωρίς ανθρωπιά, Αγάπη χωρίς θυσία.

— Mahatma Gandhi

About me

A child who does not cry, does not whine, timid and thoughtful, started as an advertisement, for the pedagogy that his parents followed. This child continued as a slander, later in adolescence, depriving his parents of an informal award. Misfit, reactive, a steady customer of the High School principal, with bad behavior, but the universe and the rater of the report in the final exams, conspired, and this child entered the University.
He travelled, worked, did risky activities, even that of graduation. The character has not changed, but the memory of school years, contributed to his choice to return, this time not as a perpetrator, but as a victim. The decision was warmly welcomed by his friends, who saw in this decision, Divine providence to take revenge for the school deeds of the past. So far the provision has not intervened, remains physically intact and mentally balanced. So balanced that the rating of the report, push him to grab the pen again, in qwerty format this time, from a deep sense of justice and optimism. Why only the grader?; So many people have the right to read masterpieces.
But art has many types and the pre-service of daily performances from school should not be left unexploited. From the school to the theatre stage, same material, same requirements: memorization, representation, inventiveness, vigilance but also exposure to the public, admittedly, this public less strict (or with more understanding ...). To be continued...

and boring…

Purpose of the page

The site aims to broaden, young and old, readers' horizon, to inspire, to inspire and push them to creation and spiritual awakening.

The goal is to post short stories written when time is available and …energy…

The aim is to be a pedestal for the presentation of the work and projects of the creator as well as a meeting place.

The aim of the page is to be a source of didactic approaches, tool for the study of social sciences and informatics and to highlight the effort made inside and outside
school room.

Future goal is to create a common platform where users will post their projects, articles and opinions.

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