The lord of the Purple Vale

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 His steps were slow, they were almost crawling on dry land, dirt path that led to the top of Mt. Midleon. He looked back worriedly, no one was following him. They must have lost track of him. Fortunately, because his body was exhausted and full of wounds from the constant fighting. He still couldn't handle a sword fight, he had slept for almost four days…

All the way from the Purple Valley to here he was followed by General Edmond, with his men. He desperately wanted the golden emblem of the lord of the Purple Valley, which the young man had in his possession. Christian had no intention of giving away the most precious thing his father gave him just before he passed away, to these traitors. General Edmond had managed to raise an entire rebellion with the help of the other generals and officials. To take power from his father and give it to Prince Edward. But without the emblem, nothing they did mattered. For only he who possesses the emblem is the rightful ruler of the Purple Valley…

Christian took a quick look behind him again and took a deep breath. Now that things have calmed down a bit, he wanted to rest. He saw the shadow of a huge one, old tree, a few steps further and crawled there. He sat under its rich foliage and leaned his back against the trunk of the tree. He closed his eyes for a while, enough to calm his soul which was in constant overdrive. But the memories of the last few days invaded his mind violently. The image of his father slumped on the wooden floor of the mansion, while outside the slaughter of his personal guard by the army continued, was the first thing he remembered. And his words, those words that came out sharp and cold, after much effort, because of the multiple injuries he had all over his body:

– "Christian", she had told him, “you may not be my biological son, but I raised you and I see you as my child". A loud cough interrupted his words at this point, he took a sharp breath and continued: "You know I regret the harm I did to your family then, I didn't want…the orders I had given were not to kill…”

– "I know these things, that's why I forgave you, don't get tired anymore", Christian had interrupted him. But Lord Darion had no intention of stopping, not before he said what he wanted. With trembling hands he took out the golden emblem from his cloak and gave it to his son.

– “Protect it, don't let it fall into the hands of these scoundrels. You must be the next lord, never forget that!”, concluded, just before closing his eyes for good.

Christian could still feel the rage and sadness he felt at that moment. He wanted to dismember with his own hands all those responsible for his father's death, but he had to restrain himself. Only if he stayed alive could he take revenge and take back everything that was so brutally taken from him. Suddenly his body became paralyzed… He had sunk into a deep slumber, due to exhaustion and injuries that were present almost all over his upper body.

When he opened his blue eyes again he was lying on a comfortable bed. He looked around, his whereabouts were unknown. He made to stand up, but a strong dizziness fixed him again in his place.

– "Do not move, you need to rest for a while, to recover and heal your wounds", he heard a male voice beside him. He turned his gaze there and saw a young man, maybe two or three years younger than him.

– "Where am I;” Christian asked him.

– “Lord of the Purple Valley, you are in my house. Do not worry, you are safe here", the unknown man answered him.

– "You know me!”, Christian replied in a voice that expressed clear disbelief. "But I don't know your name", she told him in the same incredulous tone. The young man took a few steps closer to him. Christian could now make out grey-greens, his big eyes,  as well as the well-formed features of his face.

– "If you absolutely want a name, you can call me sebastian", he told him with a faint smile forming at the corners of his lips.

– "Who you are; What do you want from me;” Christian continued the questions.

– "Regard me as a merciful man who helped a fellow man in danger", he replied enigmatically.

Christian shook back his blond hair and looked even more curiously at this strange man. Something was not right with what he was saying, he was sure that the good deed he invoked had other motives. He raised his body again in an effort to stand up, he had to get out of there, his instincts were warning him that something was wrong. But before he could get out of bed the brown haired man with gray-green eyes, stopped him…

– "I told you that you are safe here, your persecutors are not going to find you", he told him with a sharp tone in his voice. Christian resented it, he knew very well that nowhere was safe.

– "Need to go, I have left unfinished business", he replied in a determined tone. Sebastian glared at him and stepped aside to let him get up. But just before Christian reached the exit he heard his voice again:

– “I'm not going to keep you here against your will, all I can point out is that darkness has already fallen and outside this house your enemies are lurking. That is why it is better to postpone your departure until the morning". Christian turned and looked at him incredulously once more.

– "Tell me the reason you're helping me", he prompted curiously.

– "If you stay until tomorrow, I promise you that your question will be solved", she answered him in a steady voice.

Christian was only thoughtful for a few seconds, before agreeing. Sebastian left the room with a satisfied smile on his face, but when he entered the next room, that smile suddenly disappeared.

– "Like from here, foreman Valmore, this hour;” he asked the gray haired man standing across from him.

– "Young master, I came for you to give me explanations. You had the son of the lord of the Purple Valley in your hands, why didn't you kill him; Why did you decide to protect him by bringing him to your mansion;” she bombarded him with a barrage of questions that she asked in an angry tone.

– "I understand that my actions seem strange to you, but do not think that I forgot the hatred and forgave my enemy. I need some answers from this man that I think only he has.", Sebastian replied in a firm voice. The gray haired man tilted his head down nervously.

– “Young master, these are all cheap excuses. General Yuen's blood calls for justice, you…"

– “Caretaker Valmore, I recognize that I owe you my life, if you hadn't saved me that day I would have been dead, but do not forget that I am your master and I do not allow you to speak to me in this way. You think I don't want revenge; In the end, my own family was killed! But before I get the answers I'm asking for, this man must not die", he emphasized every word he said with determination.

– "It's too late now", muttered the foreman, while from the next room, came the metallic sound of clashing swords.

– "You had him killed!”, Sebastian exclaimed nervously and ran into the room where Christian was. He found him dueling with a man dressed in black with a masked face. Without hesitation, he grabbed his sword and stepped between them, putting his body up as a shield for him. The black-clad man immediately recognized Sebastian and took a timid step back., before turning his body and disappearing.

– “You kept me here to kill me;” he heard Christian's voice behind him irritated. Sebastian slowly turned towards him.

– “I kept you here because I want some information”, she stated to him in a determined voice.

– “What information;” Christian asked him.

– “You know the case of General Yuen ten years ago;”. Christian was momentarily bewildered, dozens of questions arose in his mind. "Your look shows that you know what I'm talking about", Sebastian told him in a firm tone. Christian didn't answer, but nodded positively. "From the carnage of that day, the only one who escaped was the general's eldest son, the lord of the Purple Valley took him with him. Do you know if that child is still alive?;” he asked him with obvious exasperation. Christian looked up and stared at him, he wondered why this unknown man wanted to know such a thing.

– “Why do you care if the son of a traitor lives?;” she threw at him in a scathing manner.

– “General Yuen was loyal to the lord, those who accused him were obscene slanderers who envied his abilities and the strength of his army", Sebastian hissed angrily.

– "And who are you?; Why are you interested in the general's son?;” Christian asked him almost immediately.

– "He is my brother, I am the second son of General Yuen”, he revealed to him in a voice that trembled with the intensity of his emotions. Christian was shocked by this revelation, his body stood rigid, like a lifeless piece of rock. He was looking at the young man across from him with an expressionless face, although there was a tremendous turmoil in his soul.

– “You are the second son of the general; You can prove your words;” he asked him with a strange tone in his voice.

– “I am the second young master Yuen, and this proof certifies my identity", he said showing him General Yuen's silver insignia at the same time.

Christian was now convinced that Sebastian was telling him the truth. He was very familiar with this emblem that always adorned his father's military uniform. Only then, after the revelation of this truth, his face twitched, while his blue eyes moistened with a feeling of joy and gratitude to the heavens. He thought his whole family had died and now he was seeing his little brother after so many years.

– "That child you are looking for has now become a young man and is standing right in front of you", she informed Sebastian in a voice that softly trembled with each word. Now it was Sebastian's turn to look at him like a loser.

– "You are my brother;”

– "Yes!”, Christian answered him in one word and hugged his brother. The two brothers spent a long time discussing their past. To remember their childhood memories, but also to talk about the years they grew up apart.

– "Father's army disappeared but was never disbanded, they are now under my own orders”, Sebastian told him, when Christian informed him of the mutiny of the generals and officials of the Purple Valley.

– "You tell me that you are willing to help me;” Christian asked him with an expression of gratitude.

– "You are my brother, of course I will help you reclaim what belongs to you", Sebastian replied with absolute confidence coloring his voice.

A few days later, Christian had already become the lord of the Purple Valley. Since after dozens of battles the Yuen army had managed to defeat their opponents. The generals and officials responsible for the treason and death of the previous ruler were imprisoned for life. The two brothers had become inseparable, trying to make up for all the lost time they were apart. Together they managed to restore the Purple Valley to its former glory and make it the most famous region of the kingdom.

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4 thoughts on “The lord of the Purple Vale”

  1. The first period fantasy story… Difficult venture to come out in less than 5 pages, but you did it…

    1. Ευχαριστώ πολύ!
      Η αλήθεια είναι ότι με δυσκόλεψε ο περιορισμένος αριθμός σελίδων να αναπτύξω όσο ήθελα τις σκέψεις μου, αλλά πιστεύω ότι έκανα μια ικανοποιητική προσπάθεια.

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