Mr. Gabriel Entering your page

Mr. Gabriel

Entering your page I was excited. Your short stories are really amazing ,outstanding,unique,which arouse the reader's interest ..And if all this sounds too much.I will tell you something to convince you.I have never read a book or a simple text in a magazine other than textbooks.(I DO NOT EXCEED AT ALL) and yet reading the titles ,I was immediately interested in reading and following the texts. Congratulations and I wish from the bottom of my heart to continue your creative works with the same inspiration and dedication. Continue to write so well. I will not hide my enthusiasm and pleasant surprise for the How beautifully you wrote. One short story better than the other. The one I liked the most was a little above “A WALK IN PARIS” .I wish you and I believe that your first book will come soon will be the beginning of a long and creative writing journey. You can do it as a hobby. But apart from being a good teacher and a special person, you also have an extra talent to write wonderfully. I am proud of you for your energy and for how many things you are eager to do. I wish you the best because you deserve every success in everything,for what you do in your life .

Congratulations !!!It is an honor for all of us to be among us and to be active in writing, a young man, sensitive and creative person like you, Mr. Constantine. PS to chase your dreams. We miss you very much!!!Do not forget us!!!!I wish you all the best for your journey!!we will say the same in Patras, of course!!!Cu soon.🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

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