At the now established meeting in Oosterbeek, Holland, the three-day conference was drawing to a close. Lansky got off the train and was walking towards the luxury hotel with quick steps, while sweat was now evident on his face. Well dressed, as he always did, in a suit, tie, hat and a shirt now soaked. He wasn't late, but anxiety made him slur and almost run. Although prepared for this speech, she didn't know her impact. It was very different from the usual and the audience rather capricious.
He reached the courtyard of the hotel, where some delegates took a break enjoying the sunshine. Some were arguing, cursing quite often. Others were polishing their weapons, others urinated and spat wherever they could, others did shooting with the birds of the sky and the trunks of trees. Despair gripped him… He thought how futile it would be, maybe even dangerous, to indoctrinate these people. But his vision, once more, made him overcome misgivings.
He went up the stairs, he passed through the large door of the hotel and arrived outside the main conference room. A large banner next to the entrance, he welcomed the delegates in large letters: "Welcome to 28rd floor Conference of Candidate Dictators". And below with smaller ones: "Ideas are more powerful than weapons. Since we would not leave weapons to our enemies, why let them have ideas;».
He entered the hall and headed for the podium, since the time for his speech was approaching. At that moment, Augusto was speaking and explaining the Condor plan, who a few years before helped him take power. When the Chilean finished his speech, applause and the moderator introduced Lansky:
– “A successful friend, a real financial mastermind, will close our conference this year. It creates wealth where none exists, no entanglements with the law and use of weapons. We call Mr. Meyer Lansky to the podium, to present the work "Do it like the Mafia"".
Lansky also received some lukewarm applause, avoiding glancing at the audience so as not to discourage them, got on the podium. He began his speech, trying to be as friendly as possible:
– "Dear delegates, it is an honor to have ambitious people in front of me, with dreams of power. Power, but which few have been able to conquer and still fewer to hold for a long time. May the previous speaker also forgive me, but I do not see his power in Santiago lasting long. Even if he has demonstrated an admirable iron fist. And in GREECE, your colleagues have been in prison for seven years. Rakosi in Hungary, even with the salami tactic, it only lasted eleven years. Have you ever wondered why the power grab attempts, either they fail, or they don't last long;”
One of the audience, with big mustaches and a thick neck, he jumped up and shouted:
– "We are no longer authoritarian. We have become torchbearers", making some agree with him.
– "Our weapons are obsolete", someone else replied, polishing a Luger pistol.
– "We are not supported enough by the big powers", replied a third.
Lansky, although he disagreed, he nodded so as not to prejudice his difficult audience. So, he just let them have their say, took the floor again:
– “You've heard of the seven deadly sins; That's how much all the dictators have had until today. I'm not talking about things of the soul, but for seven fatal errors committed by your predecessors. After thorough research I did, I identified seven reasons they fail. First of all, the obvious and abrupt overthrow of the constitution creates reflexive instincts in the people. You know, like the frog and the boiling water…”
The delegates looked at each other, as if wondering if they were in the right conference. Lansky tried to explain:
– "Where if you put a frog in hot water it will jump out, while if you turn up the heat little by little it will get used to it and sit until it dies... eh;”
Comments started, which made the speaker blush and regret bringing in an example from biology for his reasoning. He shrugged and continued, to have time to cover the comments:
– "The abolition of individual liberties and rights will be gradually built through artificial crises and indeed not by the dictator. Because the second sin is that the repression and surveillance measures were implemented by every dictator, resulting in its rapid wear. So instead of him, politicians better concentrate their anger, in order that…"
He didn't have time to finish his sentence and some hot bloods started shouting:
– "But if he does not implement the measures and does not melt the resistance like worms, how will he have authority; Who will be afraid of him?;”, shouted a gymnast with theoretic arms.
– “And who is able to do all this without weapons; Flowers half as good as you in a suit;”, shouted another playfully, making the audience laugh…
Lansky, despite the insults, he remained cool. After all, he knew what he would face, before heading across the Atlantic for this conference. So, in a slightly more commanding voice he continued:
– "Yes, Yes, yes... Politicians will implement the measures you find ready. They will collapse with the scandals, the crises and despair of the world and you will be the saviors... You, that you will have operated in the background and that when the time is right you will come to the fore. As for the suit my dear, I also take it off when I'm not among many people", continued Lansky, dropping the tones and smiling. Then it got serious, and for a few moments he remained thoughtful, before continuing: “Hmmm, Yes, the many people... This is also a sin... When you come to the fore, it should be noticeably less and controlled.”
– "To all countries;”, he was interrupted by the one who had taunted him before.
– "Everywhere, and this requires cooperation with like-minded people from other states. Acting alone is another grave sin. Because the free states will be an example of freedom and the land of promise. Either for regime fugitives, or for traitors…”. He stopped for a few moments, he waggled his finger in warning and continued:
– "As for the latter, ineffectively dealing with them is the fifth sin. The executive bodies, who disobey orders and reveal secrets, it is like the bullet in the old guns. Even if the chamber has a lot of gunpowder from the people's indignation, it will make a little noise on its own. It is the bullet that will kill.” The public, being familiar with weapons, he seemed to understand. Lansky, satisfied with the simile he chose, he continued:
– "But also from the people, how many are the ones who finally react;”
– "Those who fit under the crawlers", someone in a military uniform was thrown in, causing cheers from the others.
– “And yet... The kind of extortion is the sixth sin, that determines how many will resist”, Lansky managed to speak again amid the uproar.
– “And the seventh sin;”, he threw himself impatiently.
– "The shape of the organization, my friend", replied the speaker. "The simplistic shape, with one or a few dictators and some armed under their command, it is very outdated... So this is where the title of this presentation comes to give the answer. Do it like the Mafia. With the format he has been using for many decades, all obstacles are removed."
– “And what shape is that?;”, objected the same impatient listener.
– "The pyramid", Lansky replied overconfidently. "The mafia is organized in this way. I am not referring to the Camorra which follows a horizontal organization, because this creates strife among the members. With the pyramid and vertical organization the top level gives orders to the one immediately below. Everyone only knows people on their own level and up to one level above. Even the opposition parties will belong to this scheme. Why should they be enemies and be exiled?;”
– "Because they're scum who want a bullet in the head", he was interrupted by the congressman polishing the Luger.
– "And yet they are useful, we will have them accuse the, what we want to change. Parties and media that will belong to us, it will be decidedly the opposite. They will all serve the same purpose either from the left, either from the right. On the main issues only one point of view will prevail, as an axiom. After a while, as in the Mafia, nothing and no one will be able to climb high scientifically, business, politically if not a family member.
One will help the other... The media will keep promoting these politicians that we want promoted. That is why they will be the first ones that we will put in our hands. The fund will subsidize the media and scientists, scientists will document the decisions of politicians, politicians will legislate for capital. Especially these professions will take care of the necessary preparation... And in some of them, such as the judges, we will also make it unbearable for someone to be out of shape.”
– "I am a painter by profession, I will be able to get into shape;”, he was interrupted by a congressman.
– "And the military art, welcome", Lansky replied with a smile. "After all, everything is included in the catechism, such as schools, universities, music, cinema and related, it's part of the preparation. And joining the organization will concern people from all countries and social classes, just as the tentacles of the Mafia are spread. We will be able to learn the secrets of the states. So, when the cue is given, to support the overthrow of as many nations as possible.”
– "And so many people will be found to join the organization;”, someone jumped in holding a large cigar.
– "New entrants will join the organization with a promise of mutual aid and get-rich-quick. This is not the case in the Mafia either; So vain, greedy and empty are out there. After all, the organization will have branches for all tastes. For nationalists, humanitarians, animal lovers, communists, religion, that everyone loves.
– "And it is possible that such a plan that will be supported in so many countries will not leak;”, he threw himself up brandishing the cigar with the ash falling to the floor.
– "Only those at the highest levels of the pyramid will know. And they will have acquired great wealth and power, that they won't want to miss. Changing levels will require a special ritual and blood oaths. And a prerequisite for one's advancement, it will be that he has done something heinous. For which there will be evidence in a drawer hidden away! You see… So until someone comes up, there is time to prove his obedience. And as technology is constantly improving, member surveillance will become increasingly easy. All the above, they are safety nets of obedience within the system and absolve the sin of future traitors... As for those outside the family, the people, they need the right circumstances to blackmail them, but I will talk to you about that later.”
He paused, to give the audience time to digest the information. He felt that many of the delegates did not believe that such an enterprise could be organized. But he thought that the most convincing argument is the act itself and continued:
– "In the Mafia, so many years with the brutal executions to set an example, we make sure that those within the organization learn them. For the rest, they are simply accidents or random crimes. Money and power was concentrated in a few within the family. No one knows which members it is made of, what plans does she have and she remains untouched. After a while, the 'Do Like the Mafia' scheme, will succeed…”
– “Wait a minute”, he was interrupted by the guy with the luger… “When you say some time, what exactly do you mean;”.
– "As you have understood, this family organization cannot be set up overnight. It takes several years of preparation behind the scenes and…”
Lansky stopped short. He was bitten. He shouldn't have uttered the last sentence, he had to save it for the end of his speech. The public, who had begun to take it on his side, he began to look annoyed:
– “You came to our conference to play it smart with plans for the next century;”
– "You old mafia, for my grandchildren I will set up such an organization;”
– "Throw him out..."
Some stood up, others grimaced in disapproval. The fit man and a few others got up and started walking towards him. The guy with the luger in his hand was tagging him. Lansky turned white...
(The B’ part here)
Pingback: Do it like the Mafia | Greek Light
Thanks for the repost!
“Today, Hitler and Stalin are no longer necessary. And if anyone wanted to add 'unfortunately', this expression would of course mean nothing other than that the conformist society works today unfortunately, so softly and so automatically that she allows herself not to regret the absence of the authoritarian voice or the terror control of some dictator.”
Gunther Anders, (1958), Greece. translation Ed. Erasmus, (2023) 'The Obsolescence of Ideology and Conformity', excerpts from the work 'Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen', C. Beck Ed., Munich
Very apt comment, thanks!
We thank Nikos Marinopoulos ( for the philological editing.